In this article we will see "how to create a Sales-effective Email Mailing, Marketing and how to do email designs" to maximize conversions.
Who didn't receive any promotional email in the last week? Managed to?
So congratulations on a great holiday. Email boxes are a constant target of marketer attacks. It's no wonder, after all, email marketing is one of the most effective online advertising methods.
In addition, it is fully countable, which makes all ROI fans happy. Unfortunately, with the increasing popularity of various email marketing tools and further improvements (filters) added to email clients, it becomes more and more difficult to achieve high OR (open rate) and CTR (click-through rate) parameters.
A hastily prepared email mailing can only end up wasting time and money. Currently, shipping requires more effort - mental, graphic and programming. So how to create an effective sales tool with email marketing?
A few tips on how to maximize conversion
Prepare a few short and meaningful email designs, promotional messages like:
"Only now 30% off",
"First come first served, only 100 products X",
"exclusive promotion, get 3 for the price of 1",
"You buy X, you get X+Y+z".
And then prepare some emails based on them. With the help of so-called split tests, you can then verify which versions are producing the best results. Don't just rely on your feelings and preferences, because customers don't necessarily share them.
Match the message content to the recipient. A different e-mailing should be directed to regular customers and a different one to potential customers and sleepers (i.e. old customers who have not been active recently).
Choose a different marketing message for each of these groups. If possible, it's worth personalizing the message, but it's not only about adding the customer's name at the beginning of the email, but about personalizing the offer.
Some email mailing and ecommerce tools are even able to tailor the email content to each recipient individually. Everything happens automatically. Based on the history of purchases or the customer's behavior on the website, the basic email design (layout) is supplemented with appropriate modules, i.e. a commercial offer that is most likely to interest a given recipient.
Good start - email sender and subject.
Customers often need only the sender's name to decide whether to delete the message without reading it. The most effective method is to enter the name, surname and company name in the sender's field.
On the other hand, when choosing the email subject, make sure that it is short, intriguing and, above all, encouraging to read the message. For ethical reasons, it is not recommended that the sender field or subject line mislead the recipient. But well, ethics and efficiency don't always go hand in hand. You have to decide on something.
The simple the email scheme, the better. Typically, the message consists of a promotional headline, logos, marketing message, call to action (e.g. "buy now", "check", "see more"), footer with supplementary information / legal notice / link to unsubscribe from the distribution database.
It is worth remembering that some recipients see the message without graphic elements, which are blocked in many e-mail applications. And when using mobile devices, they can be completely unreadable. Therefore, in order to increase the conversion it is necessary to prepare the email in a version without pictures. In terms of aesthetics, it will differ from the ideal, but it will allow the main message to reach the recipient without having to download graphics. A separate, broad topic that will be discussed in another post is an effective landing page.
Measure, analyze, compare, modify. The effectiveness of mailing should be constantly monitored on the basis of key indicators.
Variance of useful pointers is infinity, which one should I use?
For beginning, all you need is: open rate, click rate, return rate, conversion (e.g. number of sales per clicks). The values of these measures depend on many elements. They cannot always be compared.
The results are different for emailing, which is part of a wide multi-channel campaign, and different for campaigns in which email marketing is the only form of contact.
Bypass spam filters. If it is not possible to test spam emails on numerous e-mail clients (Gmail, Onet, WP, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo), then it is worth remembering about the most common errors causing the activation of anti-spam filters.
These are:
1. use of one JPG file with the entire message content.
2. using javascript and flash elements
3. writing in CAPITAL LETTERS or using exclamation marks !!!!!!!!
4. using invisible text (e.g. white font on a white background)
We will see some examples of email marketing creations in another article.