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  • Writer's pictureSameer Joshi

Importance of Learning

As a business owner, entrepreneur, digital marketer we should keep learning special skill-sets to enhance our business and stay competitive in ever-growing market.

Life is about learning; when you stop learning, you die.

In a world of rapid change, you'll probably see the point. The technology is growing so fast, if we stop learning for an year or two, your knowledge is probably out-of-date and not matching with current affairs. Our perspectives, tastes, tolerance, world views and understanding can never be broadened if we stop learning.

Like it or not, we must be learning all the time. We've to find out to stay up with everything that’s happening around us. Even so, many adults resist formal learning. They are doing not prefer to attend training courses offered by their employers and, if forced to attend, exhibit an unwillingness to actually open up and check out new methodologies. Going back to high school for degree completion programs or advanced degrees is tantamount, for some, to getting to prison. Reading a book, attending a lecture, watching a documentary sitting through a web tutorial or the other on-purpose learning activities seem highly undesirable to several .

Of course, there are many reasons why adults resist learning. It's to try with the ways adults learn and therefore the learning experiences they’ve had within the past that are more negative than positive.

But let’s set all of that aside for a flash and specialize in the core issue. As to hunt out learning opportunities and to urge the foremost out of them, you’d first need to value the training . You’d need to see why learning benefits you, personally. Those benefits would wish to travel beyond checking it off the list of employer expectations. I’m talking about deeper level intrinsic motivations for why you'd prefer to learn something new.

These motivations would need to be greater than your learning apprehensions. they have to beat your concerns about the time and money you’re investing, the fear you've got of being exposed for not knowing something you think that you ought to already know, and therefore the inherent vulnerability there's within the struggle of learning. These motivations would even need to surpass your barriers to learning – the very fact that you’re not the quickest student, that you simply don’t wish to memorize or read or write, the skepticism you've got about your own got to learn (because, after all, you’ve gotten by just fine for this long already).

Here are the proven benefits to learning something new. Consider what it might mean to you if you'll achieve one or more of those benefits simply because you made a option to learn.

Learners are earners. People that continually learn (whether or not they need advanced degrees) will earn extra money than those that believe a narrow set of skills and experiences.

There's a link between education level and anticipation, those that are better educated are healthier.

Parents who value learning for themselves have children who stay in class longer, have lower rates of crime, and aspire to higher paying jobs.

People that seek adult learning opportunities are more well-connected more involved in their communities and more likely to be politically active.

A search report from the middle for Research on the broader Benefits of Learning (yep, there really is such a thing) indicates that “personal soft skills like self-regulation, behavioral management, and social and communication skills are developed in educational settings.”

The speed of depression is lower for adults who are actively involved in learning activities.

People in learning environments have a wider and more diverse social circle.

Those that learn readily and continually are better ready to pass along what they learned and act as teachers to their children and to their peers.

When people learn, they gain confidence for trying new things and stretching themselves.

Continual learning contributes to higher levels of resilience and self-efficacy in completing a task or tackling a challenge.

Well, these are the reasons why you should keep learning all the time.

As we have seen why learning is very much important in our personal as well as professional life.

Today I am going to Introduce, one of the best learning platform to enhance you professional skills (learn professional in-demand skills)

Yes, it's Fiverr, many of you will be surprised to read this name as it is vastly known as a freelancing site, but do you know it does provide online learning platform?

Fiverr offers online professional courses in following categories:


Graphic Design




Video & Photograpgy

You will find courses related to all the aspects of business & marketing like:

How to build a business from scratch

How to Boost productivity

How to build your website

How to create high converting landing pages

How to advertise your products

How to run effective ads campaign

SEO techniques

If you are a business owner, Entrepreneur, digital marketer learn in-demand course as an added knowledge to grow your business and stay competitive in the market.

If you sitting home doing nothing, learn a specialized skill, become expert and start your own freelancing service.

Enhance your Practical skills

Learn proven methods, processes, and best practices - and apply them to your work immediately.

Learn from the best

Courses tailored for your professional needs, led by handpicked, industry experts.

No subscription fees

Pay only for courses you want to take, no monthly fees. Know the exact cost upfront.

The courses start from $20 and so on.

You pay only once to buy the course, no subscription charges etc.

Before you buy

Sign up on Fiverr Learn and check for the available courses in your niche.

Click to get a free preview.

The preview page shows the Course Syllabus, course duration, offers etc.

You can also see the reviews and it's ratings given by previous buyers, it helps to decide if its worth opting for the course or not.

Hope it helps.. Good Luck!

p.s. There is an ongoing Thanksgiving Sale.

Take 30% Off Any Course or Program by Using Coupon Code THANKSGIVING30 at Checkout

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